(714) 834-0101 Appointment

Botox (For Fine Lines And Superficial Wrinkles)

Botox, a substance produced from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum, is an FDA approved cosmetic treatment that has a variety of applications. Though it can also be used to treat eye spasms and excessive sweating, the most common use of Botox is to minimize the look of fine lines and superficial wrinkles on the face, such as the areas around the forehead or outer eyes.

Botox leads the way as the most in-demand non-invasive cosmetic procedure with more than six million treatments every year. As a neurotoxin, minuscule amounts of Botox help to block nerves causing movement around the injected area. This results in a reduction of fine lines and wrinkles

Since the procedure is done via injection with a micro-needle, patients report minimal discomfort during the treatment. The quick procedure takes just a few minutes and doesn’t call for any anesthetics. While it may take up to a couple weeks for the treatment to take full effect, the results last approximately three to six months.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.