(714) 834-0101 Appointment

Breast Revision

Serving patients from Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim and all of Orange County

Restoring Confidence

Enhancing Breast Augmentation Results

As the most popular cosmetic procedure in plastic surgery, breast augmentation typically provides women with results about which they can feel good. However, due to various factors, such as a common complication that occurs, a botched procedure, or the natural aging of the implants, some women are unsatisfied with the appearance of their breasts. Known as breast revision Santa Ana plastic surgeon, Dr. Michael Jazayeri, performs this procedure at his practice for women of all ages.

Reasons for a Revision

What a Breast Revision Improves

Women typically desire breast revision for one or more of the following reasons:

  • Change implant size
  • Replace a damaged implant (leak or rupture)
  • Correct a complication (e.g., capsular contracture, double bubble, etc.)
  • Improve the size and shape of breasts that have stretched due to weight gain or pregnancy

Ideal Candidates


At our practice in Santa Ana Breast revision surgery is beneficial for women who have undergone at least one breast augmentation and feel that the appearance of their breasts negatively affects their overall well-being. Ideal candidates are in good overall health, at least 18 years of age, and have realistic expectations about the procedure.


Procedure & Recovery

Breast Revision

Breast revision surgery is performed on an outpatient basis under general or local anesthesia. The time that is needed to perform breast revision will depend on the condition of the patient’s breasts, as well as the implants inside of them. After anesthesia is delivered, Dr. Jazayeri makes the necessary incisions in the breast to remove the current implant. New implants are then inserted through the incisions and properly placed within the breast pocket. Other procedures may be necessary, such as removal or loosening of the breast capsule, revision of the breast capsule with sutures, or a breast lift. Once the breasts attain a more attractive shape, Dr. Jazayeri closes the incisions with sutures.

Recovery, Longevity, and Confidence

Recovery and Results

After the breast revision is complete, bandages are placed over the incisions and a compression garment is wrapped around the chest to minimize swelling. Since you will still be under the effects of anesthesia, you will need someone to drive you home from the facility. Prescribed medication can also be taken to reduce any discomfort that exists during the first few days. Most patients feel well enough to return to work after about a week of downtime.

Although you will not see immediate improvement in appearance of your breasts, the final results will become apparent over the next three to six months. You can expect your results to last many years as long as you maintain a healthy weight and avoid pregnancy. For many women, a breast revision not only improves their sense of self-confidence, but also presents them with a new outlook on life.

If you think that a breast revision is right for you, feel free to contact The Élan Institute of Plastic Surgery today. Please call (714) 834-0101 or conveniently fill out our online contact form to get started. Dr. Michael Jazayeri is certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS), and he is dedicated to helping you achieve the best results possible.

Embrace Comfort & Convenience

Procedures Under Local Anesthesia
with Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri

Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri, a distinguished plastic surgeon in Santa Ana, California, strongly advocates for patient comfort and safety during all procedures. His comprehensive approach to patient care includes using local anesthesia for various surgical procedures.

Local anesthesia is a type of anesthetic used to numb a specific area of the body where a surgical procedure will be performed. It allows the patient to remain awake and comfortable while avoiding the potential risks and side effects associated with general anesthesia. In Dr. Jazayeri's hands, an array of procedures can be carried out under local anesthesia, often leading to quicker recovery times and lower complication rates. These procedures include many facelifts, liposuctions, neck lifts, Brazilian butt lifts (BBLs), mini tummy tuck and, in certain cases, even breast and arm lift.

By taking advantage of local anesthesia's potential, Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri strives to make cosmetic and reconstructive surgery more accessible, comfortable, and patient-centered. His commitment to this safe anesthesia approach in Santa Ana, California, signals a new era in plastic surgery where patient comfort and safety are at the forefront.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.