(714) 834-0101 Appointment


Serving patients from Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim and all of Orange County

Rediscover Youth

Facelift at Dr. Michael Jazayeri Plastic Surgery

Our faces are a reflection of who we are, and when we begin to develop visible aging, that might not be the reflection we wish to show. Losing collagen in our facial tissues can lead to wrinkles and sagging skin. While facial fillers and laser treatments can help improve your appearance, the results are only temporary and cannot treat extensive signs of aging. A facelift in Santa Ana is designed to eliminate excess facial skin and smooth wrinkles for a revitalized, more youthful complexion.

A Youthful, Natural Look

Facelift Areas of Correction

  • Sagging skin along the cheeks
  • Drooping facial tissues that obscure the jawline
  • Wrinkles in the lower face
  • Fat accumulation under the chin
  • Wrinkles and vertical bands around the neck

There are a number of facelift techniques that can be used to erase the signs of aging. At our practice in Santa Ana Facelift procedures are customized by Dr. Jazayeri to address each patient's unique needs and aesthetic aspirations. These customized facelifts target each problem area and result in a natural, more youthful appearance.

Targeted Solutions


  • Limited incisions are created in the hairline
  • This technique targets drooping facial muscles and is ideal for patients without excess sagging skin
  • The facial muscles are lifted and repositioned
  • This technique targets the midface and cheeks, providing little correction to the jawline and neck
Facelift in Santa Ana, CA

Before & After Facelift (Click and Drag to see Results)

Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos Before
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos After
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos Before
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos After
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos Before
Breast Lift Santa Ana Before & After Photos After

Sculpting a Youthful Neck Contour

Neck Lift

  • The neck lift in Santa Ana can be performed as a stand-alone procedure or in combination with a facelift
  • The incisions are placed around the ears and towards the back of the head
  • Fat is redistributed along the neck
  • Drooping platysma muscles that cause a “turkey wattle” can be tightened
  • Excess skin is trimmed away
  • Ideal for patients with sagging skin below the jawline
Facelift in Santa Ana, CA

Comprehensive Facial Rejuvenation

Combining Facial Procedures

With a Facelift Santa Ana patients can effectively address the signs of aging in the lower face, while it is not uncommon for many to also notice aging signs around the eyes and forehead, which may require additional procedures to correct. You can choose to combine an eyelid lift or brow lift with your facelift to achieve overall facial rejuvenation during a one-time procedure.

Non-surgical options such as facial fillers and laser treatments can sometimes be performed in conjunction with a facelift to smooth wrinkles and improve your skin tone.

Facelift Frequently Asked Questions

A: General or local anesthesia is used during facelift surgery to ensure patient comfort and safety. Most patients can tolerate a face and neck lift without using general anesthesia.

A: Fat can be removed during neck lift surgery, and in many cases, liposuction is used to eliminate fat and restore a more graceful contour to the neck.

A: Most patients can return to work within two weeks of their surgery. You will need to avoid strenuous physical activities for three to four weeks following your procedure. By 12 to 18 weeks, swelling should have resolved and your final results will become apparent.

A: Your face may feel tight initially, which can cause some discomfort. Oral pain medication can be used to control any discomfort and will make your recovery much more pleasant.

A: A facelift provides long-lasting correction and provides anti-aging results for many years. However, it cannot prevent additional aging from occurring. It is important to follow a good skin care routine and avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight to extend the length of your results.

Embrace Comfort & Convenience

Procedures Under Local Anesthesia
with Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri

Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri, a distinguished plastic surgeon in Santa Ana, California, strongly advocates for patient comfort and safety during all procedures. His comprehensive approach to patient care includes using local anesthesia for various surgical procedures.

Local anesthesia is a type of anesthetic used to numb a specific area of the body where a surgical procedure will be performed. It allows the patient to remain awake and comfortable while avoiding the potential risks and side effects associated with general anesthesia. In Dr. Jazayeri's hands, an array of procedures can be carried out under local anesthesia, often leading to quicker recovery times and lower complication rates. These procedures include many facelifts, liposuctions, neck lifts, Brazilian butt lifts (BBLs), mini tummy tuck and, in certain cases, even breast and arm lift.

By taking advantage of local anesthesia's potential, Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri strives to make cosmetic and reconstructive surgery more accessible, comfortable, and patient-centered. His commitment to this safe anesthesia approach in Santa Ana, California, signals a new era in plastic surgery where patient comfort and safety are at the forefront.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.