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Non-Surgical Treatments for Facial Volume Loss

Non-Surgical Treatments for Facial Volume Loss

One of the major downsides of aging is that the skin loses volume. A loss of volume in the face can be quite noticeable and cause you to look older than your age. Sun exposure, stress, and aging can all make your face look thinner and more tired and worn, even if you don’t feel that way. Injectable fillers and fat transferare non-surgical treatments that can improve facial volume loss to enhance your appearance and help you look younger.

Why Does Volume Loss Occur?

Our skin naturally loses volume as we age. Natural substances such as collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid contribute to full, plump, elastic, and well-hydrated skin in your younger years. However, the production of these substances and certain hormones decreases over time, and this causes the skin to become more lax, brittle, thin, and wrinkled. Noticeable volume loss is especially common in the cheeks and under the eyes, which causes people to look older.

Treatment With Injectable Fillers

Non-surgical treatment with injectable fillers is an excellent way to improve facial volume loss without the downsides of surgery. Facial injectables such as JUVÉDERM®, Restylane®, RADIESSE®, and collagen fillers can diminish signs of aging for men and women who feel that their faces look older than they feel. These injectables may be comprised of hyaluronic acid, collagen, or other naturally-occurring substances to enhance sunken cheeks, hollows under the eyes, sunken scars, and other areas of volume loss in the face. Results are long lasting, but repeat treatments will be necessary to maintain your results.

Treatment With Fat Transfer

An alternative to injectable fillers is fat transfer. First, liposuction is performed to harvest fat from other areas of the body. The fat cells are taken from areas of stubborn excess fat, such as the lower abdomen or thighs. The extracted fat is then purified, after which it is carefully and artistically injected into the targeted areas of the face. While there is a surgical aspect with the extraction of fat through liposuction, no surgery is performed on the face. Fat transfer can create more defined and youthful cheek contours, eliminate a gaunt or fatigued appearance, improve hollows or dark circles under the eyes, and even fill out thin lips. Fat transfer also has the added benefit of improving body contours in troublesome areas.

Facial volume loss may cause you to look older than you feel. If you would like to learn more about your treatment options to correct facial volume loss, schedule your consultation with Dr. Michael Jazayeri. Dr. Jazayeri is a board-certified plastic surgeon in Santa Ana and can help you select the best treatment method for your needs. To book your appointment, call (714) 834-0101 or contact our office online today.

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