(714) 834-0101 Appointment

Gynecomastia Surgery

Serving patients from Santa Ana, Irvine, Anaheim and all of Orange County

Understanding Gynecomastia

Achieving a Firmer, Toned Chest

The formation of excess fatty tissue around the pectorals and enlarged glandular breast tissue in men is commonly known as gynecomastia. This medical condition may occur for a number of reasons, including diet, medication, steroids, and thyroid disorders, and it is often benign. However, for many men, developing enlarged male breasts is embarrassing. For most, firm and toned chests are the ideal. At our practice in Santa Ana Gynecomastia surgery effectively eliminates the excess tissue in overdeveloped male breasts to provide a more attractive contour to the chest.

The Benefits of a Gynecomastia

With Gynecomastia Surgery Santa Ana patients can expect the following benefits:

  • Eliminates excess fat from the chest
  • Removes overdeveloped glandular tissue
  • Improves the contour of the chest
  • Restores tone and firmness to the chest
  • Helps you reclaim confidence and comfort in your body

Gynecomastia Surgery

Small incisions are placed in the natural folds under the breasts. Liposuction is used to remove localized fat deposits. When necessary, direct excision can be used to remove fat, glandular tissue, and excess skin. The remaining tissue is draped to restore a more masculine and well-defined chest. Some patients may benefit from nipple and areola repositioning during Gynecomastia Surgery to help restore a more natural chest appearance.

Gynecomastia Surgery in Santa Ana, CA

Frequently Asked Questions About Gynecomastia Surgery

A:Most gynecomastia surgeries can be performed using local anesthesia with oral sedation for a safe and comfortable procedure.

A:Male breasts may be the results of weight gain, so it is advised that patients attempt to reduce the size of their breasts through diet and exercise. If this doesn’t work and you are unhappy with your appearance as a result of your gynecomastia, you may want to consider surgical correction. It should also be noted that rapid and unexpected tissue growth around the breasts can be the result of an underlying medical condition, so patients who have experienced this should see their primary physician to ensure they are healthy before undergoing gynecomastia surgery.

A:Initially, you may experience some minor bruising and swelling around your chest. You may be required to wear a compression garment following your surgery to improve your results. You should limit your physical activity during your recovery period. Most patients return to work within one to two weeks, and most major swelling should subside after eight to twelve weeks. It is common to have decreased sensitivity around the chest for several months following your procedure.

A:Patients who only require liposuction will have very minimal scarring on the chest. Those who undergo more extensive correction will likely have a scar along the natural contour of pectorals. While most incisions are placed in creases to mask their appearance, scarring may develop. Most visible scars are likely to fade over time.

A:Gynecomastia surgery provides long-lasting result for most patients. However, a poor diet and lifestyle can cause gynecomastia to develop again. Discuss with your doctor how best to prevent future development of enlarged breast tissue.

Embrace Comfort & Convenience

Procedures Under Local Anesthesia
with Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri

Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri, a distinguished plastic surgeon in Santa Ana, California, strongly advocates for patient comfort and safety during all procedures. His comprehensive approach to patient care includes using local anesthesia for various surgical procedures.

Local anesthesia is a type of anesthetic used to numb a specific area of the body where a surgical procedure will be performed. It allows the patient to remain awake and comfortable while avoiding the potential risks and side effects associated with general anesthesia. In Dr. Jazayeri's hands, an array of procedures can be carried out under local anesthesia, often leading to quicker recovery times and lower complication rates. These procedures include many facelifts, liposuctions, neck lifts, Brazilian butt lifts (BBLs), mini tummy tuck and, in certain cases, even breast and arm lift.

By taking advantage of local anesthesia's potential, Dr. Michael A. Jazayeri strives to make cosmetic and reconstructive surgery more accessible, comfortable, and patient-centered. His commitment to this safe anesthesia approach in Santa Ana, California, signals a new era in plastic surgery where patient comfort and safety are at the forefront.

Schedule your one-on-one plastic surgery consultation in Orange County with Dr. Jaz

Many people may hesitate about making their first phone call to a plastic surgeon’s office. Dr. Jazayeri would like you to know that for most patients, getting a procedure is only one aspect of helping themselves look and feel more like the person they really are. Information is power. Why not call and schedule a consultation with Dr. Jazayeri today? Contact us now by calling the phone number above or visiting our contact page.